how do you keep a living room clean
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How Do You Keep A Living Room Clean? (Best Tips)

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An untidy and messy living room can be more stressful than ever. 

It’s the most important room in your home that needs to be clean and presentable most of the time and a lot of the time, it’s difficult to get things in order when you have so much to do.

However, there are a few clever techniques you can use to keep a living room clean.

Creating a consistent cleaning routine, decluttering and removing unnecessary items, hiding clutter from sight, and tidying up after every use are some of the best ways to keep a living room clean. Other options involve having an organizational system in place or opting for a more minimalistic look.

Using these tips can be of great help to finally make sure the living room stays clean and neat at all times to a certain extent.

Once you implement these few changes, you’ll genuinely be surprised by the results.

Here are more details about each suggestion on how to keep a living room clean:

Tips For Keeping A Living Room Clean

Establish A Cleaning Routine

Tips to keep living room clean

If you had to figure out why your living room isn’t clean, it’s most likely you haven’t set up a cleaning routine. 

Having a regular cleaning routine will ensure that the living room stays clean.

Now, there are plenty of cleaning routines you could try and to give you a quick idea, here’s what it could look like:

Light cleanup (daily):

  • Sweep floors
  • Tidy up coffee table and sofas
  • Pick up any toys or clutter from the floor
  • Fold blankets and store them away
  • Straighten pillows
  • Remove shoes from the living room

Deep cleaning (weekly/monthly):

  • Wipe floors
  • Wipe furniture
  • Dust shelves
  • Wipe cleaning lights or fans
  • Clean windows and windowsills
  • Vacuum rug or carpet
  • Wash throw pillows & blankets
  • Clean lamps and bulbs
  • Clean TV Screen

Doing a daily light clean-up is better for your living room overall as this will ensure you’re always on the mark. 

But a deep clean-up can also be quite effective in the long run.

Also, to make things more efficient, consider placing all your cleaning supplies in one place so you’re ready to go.

Figure out the best time to clean the living room every day or week. This could be a few minutes in the morning before work or at night.

Whenever you can put in at least 5-10 minutes daily to quickly put everything in place, this is the best way to maintain a clean and neat living room long-term.

Remove Unnecessary Items

How to keep living room clean

A simple and easy solution to keeping a living room clean is to reduce the number of items you may have in the room.

When there are too many items, this increases potential clutter and mess.

Consider cutting back on unnecessary furniture pieces or ornaments that might not be adding too much value to the room.

Hide Any Clutter

Clutter can definitely make a living room look untidy and unkempt.

Try hiding any cords or storing them away in a box or basket when not in use and this will help the living room look cleaner and better.

If you have a bunch of cords hanging from the TV and adapters, try covering those up for a neat and clean finish.

It’s really unsightly to have a pile of tangled cords or toys that have been lying around for days.

See also: Where To Store Toys in The Living Room? (Solutions)

Have An Organizational System

The best way to keep the living room clean is to have some sort of storage system in place that will help keep things organized.

When you have a set place for items to go, this will prevent them from just lying around.

For instance, there are many ways you can organize and make your living room look clean and neat such as using baskets to store small items like cords, toys, or extra blankets.

You may even install a few shelves that will provide additional storage space that will seem like it’s part of the decor.

Alternatively, you could opt for hidden storage such as ottomans or console tables with drawers to store a few items out of sight.

Neaten The Sofa Area

How to maintain a clean living room

Our eyes are usually drawn to the sofa area so paying more attention to this will greatly impact how neat and clean your living room looks.

As often as you can, neaten up the sofas by straightening the throw pillows and folding any blankets. Remove any items that do not belong and this should immediately make it look much better.

Keep The Coffee Table Clean and Tidy

Another area you can focus on is the coffee table as this is often another central focus of the living room.

Wipe the surface of the table with a microfibre cloth to remove any dust and tidy up by neatening any objects that are on display.

It would be best to avoid having random items that could lead to clutter however if you do end up having multiple items, group them together by using a basket or tray.

If you have a pile of books or coasters on the table, straightening them will make the arrangement look more pleasant. 

The fewer items you have, the less cleaning you’ll have to do.

Consider Having A Minimalistic Look Instead

If you’ve been struggling to maintain a clean living room, I would suggest changing things up and going for a rather minimalistic style instead.

These types of decor have fewer items than usual however they are just as attractive as any living room style.

Having a minimum amount of accessories and furniture pieces will reduce the number of things you’ll have to take care of and it will be fast and quick to clean.

You’ll also be less tempted to make it messy if you’re surrounded by a clean and open layout.

Clean living room tips

Don’t Let It Pile Up (Tidy Immediately)

One of the best tips I’ve come across for having a clean and neat living room is to always clean up immediately without leaving it for later.

When you don’t push things off for some other time, this encourages a clean living room.

But when you do, it’s way too easy to keep delaying and the living room becomes messier by the minute.

So, without it becoming annoying or stressful to always keep cleaning, take some time every day to put things away. 


Keeping a living room clean is much easier if you’re always taking some action to keep it that way. 

A messy and cluttered room is worse to deal with than simply sparring 5-10 minutes a day doing a light clean-up.

Otherwise, maintaining a weekly cleaning routine can do wonders for your living room.

Figure out what your living room needs and then implement a system that will keep it clean.

I hope you found these tips useful and if you’re looking for more ideas like these, be sure to check out the following:

Why Does My Living Room look Cluttered? (Solved)

How To Make Your Home Ready For Guests

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