what color furniture goes with brown walls
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What Color Furniture Goes With Brown Walls? (10 Ideas)

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Brown needs a beautiful and interesting secondary color that will ensure the room does not appear dull and boring and it’s so easy to fall into this trap, especially with brown walls.

This is why, the right furniture colors will immediately enhance and improve the quality of the space which can also be used to influence or create a specific ambiance.

Likewise, if you want the furniture to be the focal feature, then you’re going to need a color that will stand out against the brown walls without it drowning out or competing with the brown walls.

I know most of us like quick and fast answers, so I’ll do you a favor and drop these colors right now.

The best color furniture that goes with brown walls is cream, white, black, oak, mahogany, or gray as these colors add a sophisticated, elegant, and striking charm.

Now before you jump into picking any of these colors, it’s a good idea to get to know why they work so well in a room with brown walls. 

Who knows, you may end up leaning more toward another color than you initially planned.

Let’s dive a bit deeper into each furniture color to find the best match that will make your interior look amazing:

Best Furniture Colors That Complement Brown Walls


cream furniture with brown walls

The combination of cream and brown is one that looks elegant, rich, and cozy. 

These two colors blend so well together that you can’t help but feel relaxed and soothed in this setting. 

The cream tones of the furniture help contrast the darkness of the brown and this in turn creates a subtle balance in the space. 

Cream furniture will also help brighten up the room and establish a flawless look. 


Since brown walls are so heavy, pairing them with bright-colored furniture can help lighten the tone of the space. 

This also adds a stark contrast that makes the furniture stand out in the room. 

In fact, your eyes will be naturally drawn to the white furniture in the space and it’s usually the first thing you will notice as the brown walls acts as a supporting background that helps facilitate this. 

To help coordinate this color scheme and make sure there’s consistency, consider hanging a beautiful piece of artwork with tones of white to draw attention back to the furniture. 

The overall aesthetic you can expect from this color palette is a striking, classy, and modern one. 


This furniture can be described as reddish-brown which is suitable for this color scheme as the tones are similar. 

If you want an overall cozy, comfortable, and warm setting, pair light brown walls with mahogany furniture. 

However,  since this furniture is so dark, it’s best to stick with a lighter wall brown color so that there’s a balance of light and dark colors and the room doesn’t feel heavy and overwhelming. 


oak furniture with brown walls

Oak furniture always appears classy and beautiful so it makes sense to have it in a room with brown walls. 

I think this combination will easily lead to a timeless decor that feels and looks friendly and pleasant. 

It’s best to stick with light oak furniture but you could base this on how light or dark the walls are to that of the furniture or the tone and ambiance you’d like to create. 

Of course, lighter shades of brown and oak will have a more cozy, lighter feel whereas darker shades will lead to a moody aesthetic. 

Either option will still look wonderful.

The great thing about oak furniture is that they tend to pair well with most colors, especially accent colors such as white, yellow, red, gray, or green.


Black furniture tends to have a mysterious, alluring feel to them but it can also make any space look ultra sleek and modern. 

This is fantastic if you want to make sure your brown color scheme doesn’t look old fashion or outdated. 

The black will add a striking element and this color scheme can easily give off a chocolatey vibe. 

Perfect for a moody or dark ambiance/aesthetic. 


gray furniture with brown walls

Gray is a timeless color and it does go with brown for a lovely warm and cool mix. 

Gray furniture in a room with brown walls will ultimately give off a chill, relaxed feel.

A classic light gray furniture piece will help balance and tone down the intensity of dark brown walls while also strengthening the allure of the space. 

Other Interesting Colors


Red is a beautiful and intriguing furniture color that can be used as an accent color in the space. 

This will ensure your furniture stands out in the room while also bringing warmth and color to the space. 

The neutral brown and the vibrant red creates a dynamic and interesting appeal that can showcase your creativity and bold side. 

Having the brown walls can also ensure the red furniture does not create a feeling of overwhelm and this is why these two colors work so well together. 


Green and brown have this refreshing, natural, and authentic feel to them. You can also create a specific mood with particular shades.

Lighter colors will have a refreshing and bright feel whereas darker greens and browns will feel more cozy and moody. 

The green also adds a nice pop in the space that makes the brown appear more interesting. 

See also: Colors That Go With Green And Brown (Epic Combos)


Orange will be a bold, ambitious color that will be the first thing you notice in a room with brown walls. 

This color will add a golden glow to the space and you’re bound to feel uplifted and energetic in this color scheme. 

A brown and orange color scheme has an autumn feeling and if you’re a lover of this season, then having an orange chair or sofa will look amazing against a brown backdrop. 


best furniture colors for brown walls

Blue and brown are contrasting colors but they do complement each other. 

Soft shades of light blue can add a refreshing, casual feel whereas darker blues like navy blue will have a royal appearance. 

The blue furniture can also be a much-needed splash of color to contrast the seriousness of the brown walls. 

Wrapping Up

Brown may seem like a restrictive color but surprisingly enough, there are a select few furniture colors that can turn any brown color scheme into a stunning and noteworthy space.

For one, cream and white furniture have a vibrant and light feeling while also appearing classy, timeless, and charming feeling whereas gray furniture can give the space a modern and sleek dynamic appeal.

Mahogany furniture or black furniture will do wonders for achieving a moody and dramatic setting that also has an incredible effect when used in a room with light brown walls.

Similarly, oak furniture can help soften the look of the space and make it more inviting.

So, take these factors into account when choosing the best color furniture to match your brown walls.

However, don’t stress too much about picking the perfect color as any of these colors will go beautifully for a seamless and flawless space. 

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