Best Habits of Those With Clean And Organized Homes

10 Best Habits of Those With Clean And Organized Homes

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Cleaning and organizing the home is easy. Anyone can clean and organize but it’s those that keep it clean are the ones worth looking up to.

If you’re sick and tired of a messy house and you’re in desperate need of habits that will ensure your home stays neat and in order, you might want to follow a few of these habits that only successful cleaners follow.

They’re all quick and easy to implement and if you follow through with these simple tips, you’ll be able to have a clean home you’ll be proud to show off.

Habits of Highly Organized Homeowners

1. They jump right into the deep end

best home cleaning tips

If there’s any particular item that needs to be picked up, thrown in the garbage or needs to find its way back to the closet, do it immediately.

Take a quick look at the room you’re currently in and look for any item that needs immediate attention.

If there’s a pillow strewn across the floor or if the bed isn’t made, get right to it and make sure you just complete this one simple task.

Once you’ve done this simple step, you’re already halfway there.

When you clean up the little messes, you’ll notice how much of a difference these things can make later on.

2. They make a list

This step is important and I know you might be wondering why I made you attack this specific area of the room but it was only to help you get going and realize that if you’re afraid of cleaning it’s not so bad.

Now the next thing you’ll want to do is to create a cleaning checklist and write down the rooms in your home that need to be cleaned urgently.

You can use your bullet journal or even an app if you prefer but make sure to list all the chores that need to be done.

This will help you be more organized when it comes to clearing up the clutter and getting things done faster.

Not only will this reduce the time you spend on each room but you certainly won’t forget anything that could sabotage your chance of a clean and organized home.

3. They embrace the cleaning process

cleaning habits of successful homeowners

If you’re committed to making sure your home stays clean, then you’ll have to embrace the fact that you need to put in the effort to clean.

When you’re busy all the time if there’s a tiny window of opportunity to load the washer or sort through the laundry, grab it.

Maybe if you’re just passing by and you see a certain item not where it’s supposed to be, quickly grab it and carry on.

4. They keep a weekly cleaning schedule

Plan your week by setting out certain tasks for particular days like on Wednesday to throw out the trash, Thursdays to wipe the bathroom, or maybe just clean the fridge sometime during the week.

Read also: 11 Best 15-Minute Cleaning Tasks You’ll Enjoy Doing

5. They clean as you cook

While you’re cooking, make sure to wipe any surfaces that need to or start washing the utensils and pots you’re not going to use again. This will help take off the time and load you will spend in the kitchen.

6. They pack away ingredients

When you’re done cooking, don’t just leave the bottles or spices lying around on the counter. Pack them away and wipe the counters before you leave the room so that the kitchen is clean and neat.

7. They clean up spills immediately

cleaning mistakes for counters

Don’t just leave spills to be cleaned up later. Do it as soon as they happen so later on you won’t have to deal with scrubbing a stubborn stain.

See also: 8 Cleaning Mistakes You Need To Avoid And Fix

8. They make sure the floors are always clean

keeping the floors clean

If there’s one place that will make it obvious your home isn’t clean, it’s the floors.

So make sure to sweep at least once a day as well as run a mop through them every week or so.

Also, make sure that there are no items strewn or blocking any entrances. Clear up the shoes and make sure everyone follows through with leaving their shoes neatly at the entrance.

9. They create a functional organization system

Sometimes we may just need a little nudge to help us be more organized and planned.

If the pantry is what stresses you the most, try a few of these pantry organization hacks, or just throw out the packets and invest in a few glass jars. It will save you time and effort.

If the kids’ toys are what drives you crazy every day, help them learn to clean up after themselves by making them store their toys in plastic containers once they’re done.

10. They get it done immediately

As mentioned before, if there’s something that needs to be done or cleaned, get it done immediately.

This way your home won’t be storing the mess easily.

This could be getting rid of the garbage often, loading the dishwasher the night before, or packing away the dishes before you start your night routine.

And that’s about it when it comes to the best habits of clean and organized homes.

If you follow through with these smart tips, you’ll be able to keep your home clean and organized for longer, and soon enough, it will become a natural habit!

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