15-Minute Cleaning Tasks

11 Best 15-Minute Cleaning Tasks You’ll Enjoy Doing

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Keeping your home clean and neat isn’t as stressful as you may think it is. The simple and easy trick that most pros at cleaning practice is just this – clean consistently.

When you clean regularly, the amount of time and effort is reduced drastically since there isn’t a depressing pileup waiting for you.

Try these 15-minute cleaning tasks that will ensure your home stays fresh and clean for much longer than usual. If you make these cleaning tasks part of your routine or cleaning schedule, you’ll be delightfully surprised at how easy it is to keep your home clean.

P.S. The trick is to do these cleaning tasks as quickly as possible without overthinking the task. Grab a timer and get set to work.

15-Minute Cleaning Tasks

Task 1: Do a quick laundry pick-up

Walk through each room (laundry, bedroom, living room) and pick up any clothes or socks strewn around. Grab those dirty blankets and toss them into the basket as well.

Task 2: Vacuum the rooms

vacuum the rooms

This generally won’t take much time if you do a quick run with the vacuum. You can start setting a timer and see how far and how many rooms you can vacuum depending on the size of your space.

Task 3: Throw out expired foods

Open the fridge and grab items that will be expiring or are expired already. Make sure to check your pantry for any items that may have passed their shelf life.

Task 4: Wipe kitchen appliances and countertops

Once you’re done with the breakfast rush, it’s a good idea to immediately wipe the surfaces, countertops, stove, and sink area. This way spills won’t be sitting for too long and it will be easier to wipe away.

cleaning the countertop

Task 5: Load the dishwasher and the dryer

One of the things I hate the most is doing dishes. If you’re lucky enough to have a dishwasher (sadly I don’t have one), grab those dirty dishes and load them in! Half of your work is already done.

Task 6: Wipe bathroom mirror and sink

This won’t take long either and will get done in less than 15 minutes. Simply use a good disinfectant and wipe the mirror, sink, and counters.

bathroom cleaning

Task 7: Sort through the junk drawer

The whole purpose of having a junk drawer is to dump the random things we find here. But if you keep adding to it, eventually, you’re just going to have one big mess.

organize junk drawer

Go through this junk drawer regularly to throw out things you haven’t used in a while or are unlikely to use it ever.

Task 8: Dust or wipe furniture

If you find yourself entertaining guests regularly, it will be a good idea to dust the items in your living room. Also, run the vacuum over the sofas to ensure they’re clean for longer.

Task 9: Return items to where they belong

Simply walk through each room roughly scan for any misplaced items and return them to where they belong.

Task 10: Fluff pillows and open curtains

Keep your home looking amazing simply by giving the pillows a little fluff and drawing the curtains to let light into the room. This will take less than 10 minutes.

Task 11: Wipe doorknobs, handles, cabinets

Germs are everywhere and it’s a good idea to wipe the doorknobs, handles, and cabinet doors in the kitchen and other places in your home that are used almost every day.

easy 15 minute cleaning tasks

Did you see how easy these 15-minute cleaning tasks are?

In just a few minutes, your home is much cleaner than it was before and it does not require an excess amount of stress, energy, and frustration.


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