
8 Cleaning Mistakes You Need To Avoid And Fix

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Cleaning mistakes can often be unavoidable when the task itself is tedious, annoying, and tiring. Trust me, I understand your plight. Early on, cleaning feels therapeutic but that quickly fades when monotony strikes. Be that as it may, I don’t think that’s an excuse for allowing our mistakes to damage our homes and furniture.

At the end of the day, cleaning is necessary to prevent food poisoning, roach infestation, clutter, and germ build-up.

Fix these common cleaning mistakes and you’re bound to not only save time but money and energy.

Terrible Cleaning Mistakes To Avoid

Mistake #1: Letting Spills Sit Or Dry

bad cleaning mistakes

It’s easy to ignore a spillage when it occurs. It’s not anything major and you can get to it later, right?

The problem is, that allowing spills to sit for long periods stains floors and carpets to the point of being potentially damaged whilst attracting insects and ants.

Something that would have taken you a minute to clean would now take you easily 15 minutes to fix. Avoid this by simply targeting a spill immediately.

When I can’t deal with a spill immediately, I spray some cleaner on it so that kind of combats the spill and hampers it from staining as bad.

Mistake #2: Washing Windows On A Sunny Day

When the sun is shining and the rain ain’t falling, it’s tempting to take care of those dirty and filthy windows.

Hot sunny hot days make cleaning and polishing solutions evaporate too quickly.

The evaporation of cleaning liquids leaves behind streaks on your windows that simply defeat the purpose of even trying to clean them.

Choose cool or dull days to wash your windows and avoid cleaning in circular motions.

Mistake #3: Using Incorrect Cleaning Products

For one, incorrect cleaning products are not strong enough and leave behind residue dirt, stains, and smells. Secondly, they can cause damage when applied incorrectly.

cleaning mistakes for counters

What you want to do is read the label and check if the product you’re using is safe for all surfaces and materials. Doing so can save you money and headaches.

Lately, I’ve been experimenting with natural products that aren’t as chemical-ridden like traditional cleaning agents.

I want to preserve the environment as much as I can as well as prevent my family from being exposed to these harsh chemicals unnecessarily.

Mistake #4: Spraying Cleaners Directly Onto Surfaces

cleaning tips to follow

Drawing on the abovementioned mistake, spraying cleaners onto surfaces as opposed to a cloth or sponge exposes you and your family to these harmful chemicals.

Some of them even have the ability to trigger or aggravate conditions like asthma and allergies.

It’s easy to make this mistake that can damage your health and your furniture if the product is very harsh for direct first contact.

If you’re not spraying onto the ground and only the ground, always aim into a cloth or sponge.

Mistake #5: Using Dirty Water To Wipe Countertops

Not only is this unhygienic but it can also lead to annoying problems. Allow me to explain why. Using dirty water to wipe countertops spreads more germs and bacteria instead of killing them.

Furthermore, it can often leave behind a musty dirty after-smell for hours after you’ve cleaned. Swap out the water after it starts to turn a medium shade of brown.

Alternately, use sanitizing wipes for your countertops or tables where food and drinks sit.

If you’d like to learn more about the top places germs and bacteria thrive in your home, check out this article.

Mistake #6: Cleaning Stainless Steel In Circular Motions

From a young age, I watched and emulated the way my mom cleaned our home. Most of what she does is spot on.  So, circular motions seem to be my go-to move for cleaning any surface.

Lately, however, I discovered that if you clean and wipe stainless steel items in circular motions, it leaves behind marks and smudges as the cleaner dries.

Look closely at the steal and you’ll find a pattern or direction of the grain. Opt to wipe in the direction of that instead of circular motions.

It’s the same as when you wipe windows. You’re moving from left to right rather than in circular motions.

Mistake #7: Using Vinegar On Stone Countertops

Vinegar is a lifesaver in more than one way, especially when it comes to cleaning stubborn surfaces.

It also happens to be very acidic which is unfortunately damaging to stone countertops.

How so? Well, there’s a protective coat on most stone countertops that prevents etching, scratches and marks from normal use but when you expose that protective layer to very acidic formulas, it eats away at the coating. Try to avoid it in this case.

natural products for cleaning

For a wide range of homemade cleaning recipes, check out my favorite collection of recipes.

Mistake #8: Using Bleach To Clean Rust

Another popularly used cleaning agent is bleach. It works. There’s no denying it. But, bleach is a strong chemical and needs to be used warily.

Turns out, trying to remove or clean rust with bleach actually does the opposite, it worsens rust. You’re better off using a product or formula that is designed for removing rust.

They’re not pricey and since it’s targeting rust, a can or bottle can last a very long time.


I know, I know, cleaning can be a pain.

But, if you can make these small adjustments to your cleaning regimen, the results are worth it.

I hope you found this article to be informative and helpful. If so, share it so we can make other people’s homes just a tad bit cleaner.

Oh and let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to add to this list in the comment section below.

Recommended Read: 10 Cleaning Hacks That Will Save You Time And Energy

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