How To Keep Furniture From Scratching Hardwood Floors

How To Keep Furniture From Scratching Hardwood Floors

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It can be devastating to discover scratches on your cherished hardwood floors, particularly if they were caused by furniture.

It can be extremely stressful to have to be concerned about scratching the floors whenever you need to move something. 

If you’re dealing with this common issue, there are a few effective tips and tricks you can use that will help keep your hardwood floors in prime condition.

You can also rearrange and move the furniture around to your heart’s content without the stress of scraping the floors.

By implementing any of these solutions, you’ll be able to maintain your hardwood floors and keep them in good condition for years to come, so they always have that scratch-free and flawless appearance.

Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s true. 

Before we get into the actual solutions, here are two most common questions you may have:

Why Do My Hardwood Floors Scratch So Easily?

There are various factors that could cause a hardwood floor to scratch easily. This could be the hardness and quality of the wood as different species have different levels that make it prone to scratches.

For example, soft woods like pink scratch more easily compared to harder wood such as oak. Another possible reason why your floors scratch easily is due to improper cleaning techniques such as using harsh cleaning agents or mop heads that have rough edges.

Pets and shoes can also contribute to scratches on the floor.

Can You Make Hardwood Floors Scratch Resistant?

It’s not possible for a hardwood floor to be completely scratch-proof but there are a few things you can do that will help reduce the possibility such as opting for harder wood, using a protective finish or wax that makes it scratch resistant, placing a rug or mat on certain vulnerable areas and keeping regular maintenance of cleaning and sweeping. This should help make the floors more scratch resistant.

Reliable Methods for Preventing Furniture Scratches On Hardwood Floors

Felt Pads

Felt pads are one of the best solutions you can use to prevent scratches on hardwood floors.

These are little pads that go at the bottom of furniture legs and act as a buffer or a barrier between the furniture and the floor.

I highly suggest grabbing a pack of these felt furniture pads from Amazon:

You can use as many pieces on all your furniture for extra protection.

Using these pads is quite simple.

They can be used on chairs, tables, sofas, or any furniture piece, and all you need to do is peel off the backing and stick it in the right place.

You’ll want to make sure that you go with a suitable size and color that will match the underside of the furniture so that it can act as a proper shield to avoid damage to the beautiful hardwood floors. 

Furniture Sliders

Furniture sliders are a great item to have on hand for those who frequently move furniture, whether during cleaning days or when hosting events in the space.

Furniture sliders are small, self-adhesive pads or glides that are placed underneath the furniture and make it easier to move the furniture by simply sliding them rather than dragging or lifting each piece around.

Grab a pack of these heavy-duty sliders from Amazon!

This is also particularly useful if you ever need to move or rearrange heavy furniture objects, which are the biggest causes of scratches and dents on a hardwood floor.

They’re quite affordable, and you can easily find them at a local hardwood store or online. 


Placing a rug under the furniture, such as a dining table, coffee table, or sofa, is an awesome and effective way to protect the hardwood floors from getting scratched.

keep furniture from scratching wood floors

This adds a protective layer between the floor and the furniture, especially in areas such as the dining room where the chairs are pulled in and out on a daily basis.

The rug will add a decorative touch while increasing your level of comfort, style, and warmth in the room.

When choosing a rug, go with the best option that will suit your space but also be large enough to accommodate all the furniture in the space. 

See also: Should Furniture Be On The Rug? (Placement Guide)

Wax On, Wax Off

Let’s bust out a move like Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid with the concept of ‘Wax on, wax off’ by applying a thin layer of protective wax coating to the hardwood floors that will prevent scratches from occurring in the future.

This could be a game changer if you have furniture with metal or sharp edges.

With protective wax, it might require a few applications or touchups over time to maintain that protective covering.

If you don’t feel confident doing it yourself, consider calling a professional in to make this happen. In the long run, this could be worth the investment and will save you tons of stress and disappointment. 

tips to keep furniture from scratching hardwood floors

Floor Protectors

Floor protectors are another reasonable yet effective option to try to stop furniture from scratching hardwood floors.

These are specifically designed to prevent this from happening, and they are usually attached to the legs of the furniture.

The great thing about floor protectors is that they also have the ability to distribute the weight of the furniture evenly, which should reduce scratches and dents in the hardwood floor. 

Furniture Socks

If you’re searching for a super cheap way to protect the flooring for the time being, consider using furniture socks! Yup, like actual socks.

You could knit a few small socks to go over the legs of the furniture piece that is most likely to scratch the hardwood floors.

It’s a creative idea that does the job well, and you can go with whichever color and size you think will work for your space. 

Easy Ways To Prevent Scratches On Hardwood Floors

Now that we’ve looked at the best solutions and remedies that can be placed on the actual furniture pieces, there are a few essential follow-up moves you can make that will help reduce the risk of damage. 

Here’s what you need to do:

Be Mindful of Sharp Edges

It’s best to take precautions when it comes to furniture with sharp or rough edges.

These are the chief culprits for doing the most damage to your flooring.

You can reduce the risk by adding padding or a cover to the edges, as discussed above since they do an admirable job of this.

You could also use a fine-grit sandpaper or palm tool to sand down the legs so they have a smoother surface.

For commonly used furniture pieces such as a coffee table, side table, chair, or sofa, be sure to place padding or a barrier for extra support. 

Lift Instead of Dragging The Furniture

A simple yet surprisingly effective way to avoid most scratches is to lift a furniture piece rather than drag it.

Yes, this involves a bit more effort but it could prevent deep, long-term damage.

Simply developing the habit of lifting a chair at the dining table every time you use it will prevent unnecessary damage.

This rule should be applied to everyone in the home.

If the furniture piece you need to move is too heavy, like a large table or sofa, feel free to ask for assistance from whoever’s around to make it easier. 

Maintain A Regular Cleaning Routine

Regular maintenance and cleaning are the keys to preventing scratches on hardwood floors.

Abrasive agents, including dust, dirt, or debris, can cause the surface to be scratched over time. It’s recommended to follow up with a consistent cleaning routine by sweeping or vacuuming to make sure the flooring stays clean.

This is especially useful for those times when you do need to move the furniture. 

Another fantastic benefit of regular cleaning and maintenance is that it helps you spot and identify any loose screws or sharp edges that could be a nightmare waiting to happen.

You can deal with these issues immediately before they wreak havoc on the flooring.

Trust me, this small tip has saved me so much pressure and stress, and I’m certain it will help you too. 

See also: How To Stop A Sofa From Sliding & Secure It


Maintaining an elegant and polished hardwood floor is totally possible if you just make one simple adjustment by adding any of these items to the bottom of your furniture. 

This will definitely reduce the risk of the furniture scraping or scratching the hardwood floors. 

With added care and attention to the flooring, you can also make sure that it stays that way. 

It will undoubtedly be a thrilling experience to bid farewell to the fear of damaging your brand-new, shiny hardwood floors and the unsightly scratches caused by moving furniture once you implement these solutions.

Now, you can finally preserve the beauty and appearance of your hardwood floors once and for all.

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