what can i do with a small front porch

What Can I Do With A Small Front Porch? (11 Tips For Decorating)

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So, you have a really small front porch area to work with but you’re sick and tired of how boring it looks right now. You might have even been trying to make it all come together but for some reason, nothing seems to work.

Well, I’m here to share the good news with you. There’s actually quite a lot you can do with a small front porch!

Just because your porch isn’t as large as others, there are many ways to make the space work for you and create an environment you love.

The best thing you can do with a small front porch is to keep the area clean, make use of the available space such as the walls or the front door itself, and use only key accessories such as throw pillows, wind chimes, pot plants, wreaths or even floating plants if there’s insufficient floor space and this will instantly enhance your decor.

If you would like to have a closer look as to just how you can go about decorating a small front potch and create a space that looks good, here are my favorite collection of ideas that are ideal for just about any small front porch:

Ways To Decorate A Small Front Porch

1. Less is more

A small area can look way more cluttered if there are too many objects placed. The best thing to do in this situation is to only use a few accessories that will enhance the area without making it look busy.

In fact, smaller areas tend to shine better when there is less and in this case, you’ll only really need 2-3 objects to decorate the porch.

small front porch decorating ideas

2. Get rid of the clutter

Clutter is a no-go for any small porch. If there are too many objects, it’s only going to look clumsy.

Get rid of objects or things that are going to make the space feel smaller than it really has to.

This point is essential that you implement it if you’re figuring out what to do with a small front porch.

See also: How Do You Make A Small Front Porch Look Bigger?

3. Keep the area clean and make improvements

An easy and simple way to make the porch feel and look better is to keep it clean. Get rid of any dust or dirt, and paint the walls if possible.

You can also fix any windows or window frames and this will definitely make a huge difference.

4. Add a tall pot plant near the door

what to do with small front porch

When it comes to decorating the front porch, you add one or two large-sized potted plants near the door or on either side.

This will make the area feel more alive and plants are a simple and easy way to bring good energy to the place.

5. Install floating plants

If you find that there’s just not enough floor space to work with then make use of the walls or the beams.

You can install a few floating plants or maybe you could even install a small potted plant on the wall next to the door.

6. Hang a pretty wreath or sign on the door

wreath on front door

Here’s a really awesome idea that I love and always recommend and that’s hanging a pretty wreath on the door.

You can even make your own wreath if you’re up for a fun and creative task but this is one of the best ways to add a splash of color to your front porch decor.

It’s also a really cheap way to decorate and if you have a wreath, you don’t really need anything else since a wreath will instantly draw attention.

See also: What Should I Hang On My Front Door For Luck?

7. Paint the front door a bold color

If you don’t have anything furniture or accessories to add to your front porch, then you could always paint the door itself.

Choose a color that will complement the rest of the house or you can choose a color that you love.

However, be sure not to choose a color that’s going to clash as this could possibly make your front porch look unsightly instead.

8. Add a classy or funny welcome mat

Next, you could try including a nice welcome mat. This is typically an item you will find on many small front porch’s and it doesn’t take up much space at all.

decorating small front porch

9. Hang a simple wind chime

If you like wind chimes, you can install one that will feel welcoming. This option will barely take up any space and you can be glad that it won’t make your small front porch look clumsy or cluttered.

10. Include candles or lanterns for a warm, cozy feel

small front porch ideas

Lanterns and candles are also a great idea and they can definitely make the place feel alive.

This is also pretty useful if you plan to decorate your front porch with a new theme with every season that approaches.

They’re also cheap and affordable and they’re a perfect size as well that won’t require too much space.

See also: What Should I Hang On My Front Door For Winter?

11. Have at least 1 or 2 deck chairs with a pretty pillow

The last option you can try is having a deck chair if the space allows.

You can also use this opportunity to include a few patterned throw pillows that will brighten the area up and will also add to the decor and make it look amazing.


As you can tell, there are definitely many things you can do with a small front porch and I hope you found these ideas useful.

The ideas listed above are typically used in most homes with a small front porch but the key takeaway is to remember to avoid making the area look cluttered and messy by adding too many things.

This means that you’ll want to avoid choosing all the options above since the space you have will most likely not allow it.

Choose the ideas that stand out to you the most and you’ll be able to figure out what you need to do with your small front porch.

If you have faced a similar issue and found a smart way to work around things, leave your suggestions below, and who knows, you may have saved someone else a hassle when it comes to dealing with the troubles of a small front porch.

Related Post: What Can I Hang On My Front Door Besides A Wreath?

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