where to put a microwave in a small kitchen

Where To Put A Microwave In A Small Kitchen? (Ideal Placements)

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Making a small kitchen space work is definitely a challenging task especially when you need to have essential appliances like a microwave.

They do require an adequate amount of space but squeezing a microwave into an ideal location can really help make it convenient and easy for daily use while also maintaining a consistent balance between the layout and decor.

The common places you can put a microwave in a small kitchen area is on the counter, on an open shelf, in the upper cabinet, over the range, built into an island, or in a drawer.

Luckily, with these ideas, a microwave can easily fit into any location (high or low) no matter the size of your kitchen to ensure it is practical and functional.

Here are your best options:

Best Places To Put A Microwave In A Small Kitchen

On The Counter

microwave on counter

Although countertop space is extremely dear for most small kitchen owners, sometimes it’s the only available space to place an item like a microwave.

If an appliance like a microwave can be placed in the corner or where it won’t get in your way, you can definitely place it here.

It’s functional and easy to use while also situated at the perfect level. 

In The Upper Cabinet

microwave inside upper cabinet

Another popular place to put a microwave is in the upper cabinet. This could be directly above the countertop or in the cabinet above the stove.

Usually, an open shelf is the best to display and for easy access but you can also place a microwave inside a cabinet if that’s the only available space.

However, even in a small kitchen, this location is practical, convenient, and flows well with the rest of the decor.

Built Into A Cabinet

microwave placed under counter

If there are no open spots, you’ll just have to make one. A great place would be to have the microwave built into a cabinet.

If you have a kitchen island with a cabinet, you can have a microwave situated right below.

The only problem with this placement is that it might not be the most convenient to use since it’s on the lower level.

You’ll probably have to bend quite a bit to place things inside and use the microwave but it’s a smart way to fit in a microwave without taking up any other kitchen space.

Over The Range

best places to put a microwave

The next spot you can consider is placing the microwave over the range.

This location does look good above the stove in terms of design and you’ll probably like having all your appliances in one space.

It’s not the most common spot for a microwave as most microwaves are typically placed in a cabinet a little on either side of the stove area but it can still work.

In A Drawer

If you won’t be able to redesign and or change things in your kitchen and there’s really no space to have a microwave out, then you could try putting the microwave in a drawer.

If possible, you could install a pull-out tray which will make it easier to use the microwave, and slide it back in when you’re done.

On A Shelf

An open shelf is a great place to put a microwave along with a few other decorations.

This can be especially useful if you have nowhere else to put a microwave in a small kitchen but the best part about this solution is that it can make your decor look even better.

You won’t have to take up any countertop space or cabinets if you have an available shelf that is sturdy enough to carry the weight of the microwave.

Final Thoughts

The best way to know where to put a microwave in a small kitchen would be to consider the available spots.

Also, you’ll have to consider whether having a microwave on certain levels will be comfortable and appropriate for you.

Some prefer having microwaves placed higher up or at eye level while others get really bothered by having a microwave positioned on a lower level.

You can find a spot to place a microwave in your small kitchen but if there’s no counter or cabinet space, consider mounting a shelf to the wall next to a cabinet and placing the microwave there. This is a great space saver, especially for a small kitchen!

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