21 Fun Old Socks Craft Ideas Every Kid Needs

How many times do you find yourself bored and in the mood for trying something new? Personally, I’m always in the mood. Especially, when it comes to re-purposing projects and just in case you’re wondering, this compilation of old socks craft ideas are a fantastic boredom buster for kids and adults. Not only are they fun to make but they make really adorable gifts for small kids.
Just to give you an idea of the perfect, silly fun you can have, we’ve included tutorials for making puppets, bunny slippers, animal toys, a neat cleaning hack and much, much more!
Trust us when we say your kids (and the kid in you) will love these DIY projects. However, some of these tutorials may require a sewing machine but you could hand sew them too, the only downfall is that it may require a bit more time and effort on your part. Also, ensure that you have a few other details such as buttons and ribbons for additional special details.
If you liked these old socks craft ideas, then you might want to check out this list of repurposing projects to turn old jeans into something creative and useful!
Table of Contents
1. Sock Monkey Tutorial
via thewhoot
2. Sock Dragon
via craftpassion
3. iPhone Arm Band
4. Dusting/Cleaning Hack
via anenglishaccent
5. Sock Covered Planters
via decorhacks
6. Olaf Sock Pattern
via onecreativemommy
7. Bunny Slippers
via violetlebeaux
8. Lop Eared Sock Bunny
via craftpassion
9. Sock Doughnuts
via rookno17
10. Sock Flower Bouquet
via howdoesshe
11. Baymax Sewing Pattern
via craftpassion
12. Fun Sock Wreath
13. Sock Lion
via craftpassion
14. Fingerless Gloves
15. DIY Heating Pad
16. Vertical Blind Cleaner
via abc
17. Adorable Sheep Pattern
via craftpassion
18. Boot Socks
19. Coffee Cozy With Buttons
via thatswhatchesaid
20. DIY Coffee Cozy
21. Wrapped Wine Bottles
via 1dogwoof
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