How To Stop Feathers From Coming Out Of A Couch

How To Stop Feathers From Coming Out Of A Couch

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If every single time you plop down on the couch, only to have feathers float around you, latch onto your clothes, or cover your floor, it’s probably time to fix the problem once and for all.

I know exactly how frustrating and annoying it can be to have a couch where the feathers won’t stop coming out of the seats. 

This can create a mess and destroy the quality image of your living space. 

I’m sure the last thing that’s on your agenda after sitting down to relax is to start picking up feathers and cleaning up the mess.

Another problematic aspect is when you have a couch where the feathers keep coming out, either through a tear or a hole, it’s bound to get wider and this can easily create a bigger issue in the future.

So, if you’d like to repair the couch and keep it in good condition once and for all, here are a few simple and effective tips and tricks you can use to stop feathers from coming out of a couch.

Here’s How to Stop Feathers from Coming Out of a Couch

Identify And Determine The Source

The first thing you’ll always want to do in a situation as such is to determine exactly where the problem lies.

You can do this by inspecting the entire couch and getting a closer look to locate the problem area.

Some many possible reasons or areas that could cause this issue. It might be so that your couch is worn out or the upholstery is damaged.

There could be a rip or a hole in the cushions and this is usually the main reason and source for where the feathers are coming out from.

Try poking or feeling around if you can’t see it.

You can also try getting someone to sit down while you inspect the couch if that’s usually how the feathers are released.

It’s essential to know where the source is and to what extent so that you can fix the problem.

ways to stop feathers from coming out of couch

Fix The Damaged Area

Once you know where the problem is, it’s time to mend it.

Now if it’s a small seam or tear, you can simply grab a needle and some thread in the color of the couch material and stitch it up.

This should fix and stop the feathers from coming out. You could also use fabric glue but be sure to work carefully so that there’s no further damage done to the couch.

However, if the problem seems to be large or greater than your abilities and skills, it’s best to consult a professional who’ll know exactly how to go about it.

This could give you an even better finish.

Use Extra Protection

As an extra precaution to ensure you don’t have to deal with feathers flying around again, you could add an extra layer to the couch.

This could be a feather-proof cushion cover or fabric liners.

Adding a barrier with the fabric will help prevent the feathers from coming out in the future.

Alternatively, you could also consider getting cushion covers. A new set will help contain the feathers and it will also add a fresh new look to your couch.

Invest In Pillow Encasements

If the source of the feathers comes from the cushions themselves, then here’s a smart idea you can try.

Invest in a few pillow encasements that act as a shield or barrier and slide them onto the individual cushions before covering them with the covers.

This is a cheap and easy solution to contain and stop the feathers from coming out.

Consider Opting For Alternative Cushion Fillings

Although a cushion that is filled with feathers can feel soft and comfortable, if the problem persists, you could try alternative cushion fillings like memory foam or polyester fiberfill that will still provide you with comfort without having the annoyance of dealing with feathers.

This is also a great solution if you just can’t come right with the feathers.

Practice Proper Maintenance

feathers coming out of couch

The best thing you can do to prolong the condition and quality of a couch so that it lasts for years to come is to practice regular maintenance and care.

This could be keeping an eye on the couch, fluffing the pillows, and rotating them every so often to keep them firm and redistribute the feathers evenly.

You can also check up on the couch and fix any tears or holes before they get worse. Also, avoid plopping down too hard on the couch.

If you want to stop the feathers from coming out again, sitting down gently and reshaping the cushions is a good habit to have.

Have A Regular Cleaning Routine

The number of feathers from the couch can easily accumulate.

Consider having a cleaning routine to clean up and make sure your living space stays clean and neat.

You can also try a spot-cleaning checkup when you need to get rid of loose feathers and dirt.

This should help maintain the condition and appeal of your space.


Having to deal with feathers coming out of a couch is one of these pesky and annoying problems but dealing with it immediately can save you so much time, effort, and money.

If your couch has a small tear, patching it up with a needle and thread to close the gap should fix the problem of the feathers coming out.

You could also invest in pillow covers or encasements but also following proper habits like fluffing the pillows, sitting down gently on the couch, and taking care of the couch will help prevent the feathers from coming out again.

Those embarrassing days of feathers floating about will soon be over after implementing any of the solutions listed above.

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