Can A Coffee Table Be Higher Than A Sofa

Can A Coffee Table Be Higher Than A Sofa? (The Ideal Height)

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A coffee table is a functional statement in any living space. 

Many incredible benefits make it a worthy feature; however, despite the actual design, we have to consider other factors such as height and style when choosing a coffee table. 

If you’re interested in an unconventional setup and wondering if a coffee table can be higher than a sofa, here’s a quick answer:

There are no hard or fast rules when it comes to decorating a space, but it’s often suggested to have a coffee table that is at eye level or slightly lower than a sofa, but a coffee table can be higher provided that it suits the space.

To get a clear, accurate take, let’s explore the main factors to decide if you should go with a high coffee table or not. 

The Recommended Height of A Coffee Table

The preferred height of a coffee table in any space usually lies between 16 – 18 inches above that of the sofa cushions. 

This height is ideal for comfort, functionality, and easy access, but it also contributes to the space’s cohesive and balanced appearance. 

the best coffee table height for a sofa

The table is neither too high nor too low compared to the sofa. 

However, other factors can contribute to the ideal height of the coffee table. 

This could be the dimensions of the sofa, the coffee table, or whatever you find comfortable to use. 

With that said, a coffee table can be higher than a sofa as long as it fits your needs. 

3 Main Questions To Ask Yourself

Here are a few questions we can consider when determining the ideal height of the coffee table:

Will It Be Functional?

A coffee table is a versatile piece that plays an important role not only in terms of aesthetics but also functionality

When selecting furniture for a living space, it is important to consider certain criteria. The furniture should complement the overall area and prioritize comfort. 

For a coffee table to work in your space, the recommendation is to have one that is level or lower than the sofa. 

This makes it easy to use and gives it a cohesive look. 

Now, for a larger space with a high ceiling, you could have a coffee table that is higher than the sofa. 

This could create an interesting new dynamic feature in the space. Also, if you have pets or young kids, you don’t necessarily have to be concerned with them touching anything on the surface.

Will It Be Visually Interesting?

coffee table higher than a sofa

A coffee table is one of the main features that adds a sleek, creative, and visually interesting piece to a space. 

You can’t help but notice a sofa without a coffee table, and this creates a pleasant flow in the room.

In the case of having a coffee table that is higher than the sofa, you have to ask yourself whether this will distract too much attention away from the coffee table or elevate the space. 

If the coffee table manages to capture positive attention but also complements the sofa, then it could be an intriguing focal point for the seating area and it would make sense if the coffee table is a little higher than the sofa.

Will It Be Different?

Trying new things can be a great way to explore your creative side and come up with a unique space that is rich with personality and style. 

Decorating our homes is one of the simplest ways to achieve this goal.

It’s not quite common to have a coffee table higher than the sofa but if you’re looking for an unconventional style, this could be a great way to do so. 

As long as you choose a coffee table that goes well with the rest of the elements in the space and has a sufficient amount of balance, then go for it.

Here’s How You Can Make the Best Decision

If you’ve answered the above questions, and weighed the pros and cons, then figuring out whether a coffee table that is higher than a sofa will work for your space is probably easier now.

Despite what anyone says, you have to think about what you like and are comfortable with. 

It’s all about figuring out the best style and curating a space you love. 

If you’re still on the fence, here’s what you can try: Experiment with different styles. 

coffee table height ideas

If you already have a higher coffee table, consider different layouts to see what feels and looks good. 

You could also take a picture of the space and Photoshop a specific coffee table to get a rough idea of how it will look in the space. 

This will save you time and money before you purchase the coffee table. 

There’s no harm in breaking free from the traditional norms of interior design, especially if this is something that excites you. 

You could always switch back if you find that you don’t like how the coffee table looks next to the sofa. 

See also: How To Position A Coffee Table In A Room


A coffee table is a frequently used item, so it must be both functional and stylish.

It is uncommon for a coffee table to be higher unless the sole purpose is for decoration purposes or a unique style.

The recommended height for a coffee table is usually one that aligns with the sofa or is slightly lower. 

With that said, you can have a coffee table that is higher than a sofa if you’re interested in a new, unique style that is out-of-the-box but the first thing to consider is whether the coffee table will be an obstacle or a useful element in the space.

As long as there is balance and a cohesive look, it should be fine. But to play it safe, perhaps consider a coffee table that is level to the sofa cushions or slighter higher.

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