Should Nightstands Match The Dresser

Should Nightstands Match The Dresser? (Tips & More)

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A nightstand and dresser is a crucial piece of furniture that makes a bedroom more functional and attractive. 

They create extra storage space that makes it easy to keep the bedroom neat and well-organized. 

If you are thinking of buying a dresser and nightstand, one of the most crucial decisions you will have to make is whether to match them or not. 

Nightstands don’t have to match the dresser. It all depends on your personal preference and the look that you want to achieve. Some people prefer to match them while others prefer to mix and match. What matters is how these pieces of furniture blend. 

Your nightstand and dresser don’t have to match, however, they should complement each other through color, material, style, and finish. They should also coordinate with other bedroom furniture.

A matching nightstand and dresser will create a more cohesive look while mismatching them will add a touch of personality to your bedroom.

In this article, we will answer this question to help you make an informed decision.

Mismatched Nightstands and Dressers

Mismatched nightstands and dressers are becoming more popular because they add a touch of elegance and personality to the room. 

They also make the room look classy, unique, and attractive. While matching your nightstand and dresser may seem appealing in theory, it often doesn’t go well in practice. Mismatching the nightstand and dresser can add interest and depth to your bedroom.

 A dresser is designed for storing clothes and other important items while the nightstand is mostly used for style and aesthetics. 

As such, you should choose a nightstand that complements the dresser as opposed to matching them. 

For instance, you can choose a more ornate dresser to complement a simple-looking nightstand or vice versa in order to create a more balanced look in your bedroom. 

If you want to create a unique finish and touch to your bedroom` then you should choose a well-designed and beautiful nightstand that complements the dresser as opposed to matching them.

Benefits of Matching a Nightstand and Dresser

As mentioned earlier, the decision on whether to match or mismatch your nightstand with the dresser depends on your personal preference and what you want to achieve. 

If you want to create a clean and cohesive look in your bedroom, then you should consider having a matching dresser and nightstand. 

The biggest benefit of matching your nightstand with the dresser is that it makes your room look more put together.

matching dresser and nightstand

Another benefit of having a matching nightstand and dress is that you are guaranteed a good and uniform look.

You don’t have to worry that the pieces of furniture may not look good together. There is often a risk of furniture not blending well in mix and match.

But if you choose a matching set, you are guaranteed the pieces will look good together.

Matching your nightstand and dress also creates a classic look. Since the beginning of furniture craftsmanship, people have always preferred to own matching furniture sets.

It is a style that never gets old and is thus ideal for people who are looking for a timeless option that they can pass down to their kids.

Lastly, choosing a matching nightstand and dresser involves less hassle. All you need to do is go to your nearest furniture shop and choose a matching nightstand and dresser.

But if you choose to mismatch them, then you have to shop in many places before you find pieces that look good together.

Benefits of Mismatching a Nightstand and Dresser

Perhaps the biggest benefit of mismatching your nightstand and dresser is that it allows you to show your personality.

Unlike matching where you have very limited options, mix and match gives you a wide variety of options to choose from and explore and is thus perfect for showcasing your personality.

Mismatching your nightstand and dresser also makes the bedroom look bright and lively. Having the same match can make the room feel dull.

One design of furniture in your bedroom will make it look repetitive. But when you mismatch, your bedroom will look vibrant, bright, and more attractive.

Having a mismatched nightstand and dress also makes your bedroom trendy, classy, and attractive.

Mismatched nightstands and dressers have been a popular trend for more than a decade because it makes the bedroom look attractive and unique.

They are highly desirable and a great way to make a statement. 

How To Mix and Match Furniture

Although mismatching furniture may seem vague and abstract as every decor and personal style will be different, there is a certain way to things that will help you pick the best pieces.

Here are a few tips you can keep in mind when choosing a dresser and nightstand that are different:

The First Piece – An easy way to mix and match is to decide on the first piece that is non-negotiable. You can then use this piece to match and choose against the others. It’s way easier to then decide if other pieces will fit the entire space or not.

Color –  Color has many benefits when used correctly and results in a successful decor even if the furniture is mixed and matched.  A limited color palette can also be beneficial to narrow down the options. For a well-balanced space, you can make sure the nightstands are the accent color while the dresser is a neutral color to create a contrasting effect to the bed.

Materials – The material and texture of the furniture pieces can be a great way to add continuity to space, especially with different furniture pieces. This adds a unique and authentic look to the space without one overshadowing the other. 

A potential pairing of mixed and match dresser and nightstand displaying the use of color and material:

Shape & Design – You can have a variety of shapes in the space so long as they complement each other. You could have two small square nightstands accompanied by a long and tall dresser. Taking into account the theme of the space can also help you to mix and match accordingly. For instance, if you have contemporary and modern bedroom decor, you may consider introducing a few traditional elements for extra variety. 

Personality – No bedroom is complete without your special touch. Choose a nightstand or dresser that reflects your taste and personality accurately. This is the key element in displaying mismatched furniture. 


When buying a nightstand and a dresser, it is upon you to choose whether to match them or not. 

You’ll have to decide how the style, color, and design of the nightstand and the dresser will impact the space.

If you want to bring out your personality and make your bedroom more attractive and unique, then a mix and match is a great option. 

On the other hand, if you want a uniform and classic look, then you should consider matching these two furniture sets. 

Both options seem reasonable and appropriate however maybe if you want the best of both worlds, you could always get a nightstand and dresser in the same material or color even if they are designed differently. 

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