How To Fix A Squeaky Box Spring: Top Solutions

Is a squeaking box spring driving you nuts? That annoying sound whenever you toss or turn can disturb the quality of your sleep and ruin the day ahead.
Having a quiet and comfortable mattress and box spring is essential if you want to feel refreshed and well-rested.
But the good news is that there are plenty of solutions and tips you can use to resolve this issue.
The first step to fixing a squeaky box spring is getting down to the root cause.
You should start by inspecting the mattress and the box spring since either one could be the cause and source of the noise.
Below, you’ll find a quick breakdown of the reasons why your bed is squeaking and the steps you can take to fix it fast.
Table of Contents
Why Does My Bed Squeak?
Squeaky beds can be a nuisance and may be caused by a variety of problems. The squeak might be coming from the mattress itself, or it could be coming from the box spring.
Squeaks can also be caused by metal parts rubbing together.
If you’re experiencing a bed that makes noise when you move in your sleep, there’s a good chance it’s your box spring.

Older box springs were built with wood or metal frames, and can make all kinds of unnecessary noise when you get into bed. Moreover, a few other causes might be behind the box spring noise.
It could be due to a loose part of the box spring, like an unbalanced frame or a bad connection.
A squeak can also be caused by metal screws rubbing against each other and making noise.
If the squeak is from your mattress, then you might have to replace it soon, especially if that squeak distracts you from falling asleep.
How To Fix a Squeaky Box Spring
There are several different ways to go about repairing a noisy box spring.
The most straightforward way would be to get a new box spring that won’t make noise when you sit on it or sleep on it.
However, your budget might be a bit tight, and you prefer to spend less money rather than buying a new box spring.
If this is the case, you can fix a squeaky box spring without replacing your box spring.
The most effective way to do so is by making these small adjustments to your bed frame,
1. Get to the source of the noise
The first thing you should do is try to find the source of the noise.
This can be done by moving around in your box spring while on your knees and listening closely to find the exact location of the squeak.
You can also separate the spring box components for more inspection.
Squeaks that come from the mattress are relatively easy to fix if you know how to fix a squeaky bed frame, but it’s not quite as easy to fix a squeaky box spring
2. Adjust the metal on your box spring frame
The second thing you should do is adjust the metal parts on your box spring frame. This can be done by removing or loosening the metal screws that connect the metal parts.
You may loosen the screws, but you should avoid taking them out completely. Just loosen them a bit before placing them back in their original locations.
After performing the adjustment, test your bed for squeaks and ensure it’s quiet again before getting into it for a good night’s sleep.
This video by Howcast provides a brief overview of the steps you can try to fix a squeaky box spring:
3. Lubricate and tighten the bolts
You can do this by loosening and applying a little amount of lubricant (like WD-40).
You should then screw them back into their original places, making them really tight.
This will help to eliminate any squeaks that might be coming from the frame itself.
For wooden frames, use candle wax or beeswax on the affected area.
4. Place padding between the box spring and the bed frame
You can also try placing a pillow or a soft fabric between your box spring and the side of your bed.
This damping will help absorb noise caused by metal parts rubbing against the bed frame.
Another great solution would be to place a piece of plywood between the mattress and box spring which will make the base firm. This should help reduce or get rid of the squeak.
5. Rotate the box spring
Try to bring the feet side of your spring box to your head side. This will help decompress the spring and eliminate noise on the box spring and your mattress.
If the mattress is the problem, consider rotating or flipping the mattress to the other side.

6. Level the box spring
Make sure that your box spring is perfectly level. Using a carpenter’s level is the most effective way to do so.
Accomplish this by measuring each corner of the box spring.
You should also ensure that the bed frame is completely level, including the footing. The floor might also be the culprit of your noisy bed, and you might need to level it first.
7. Replace the old box spring
If it comes to the worst, you might need to buy a new box spring.
However, you’ll likely spend more money on a new box spring than making small adjustments to your current one.
Either way, it’s always wise to check with your manufacturer if they offer replacement parts first before buying a new one.
If the mattress is the source of the box spring, this is a good opportunity to buy a new and improved mattress.
Locating the source is vital to ensure the sound is fixed. In most cases, the squeaky noise might be coming from the mattress or the box spring itself.
Tightening any loose joints, screws, or bolts on the box spring frame might eliminate the noise completely but you could try leveling the box spring or adding padding in between the box spring and bed frame to reduce the sound.
These solutions have worked really well for many but if you find that the noise remains, replacing the box spring might be your only option left.
I hope these solutions have helped you solve this annoying issue so that you can finally have a good night’s rest.
If you know of any other tips or tricks that worked, do leave a comment below for others who might need a creative and out-of-the-box solution.
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