how to hide an unused doorway

How To Hide An Unused Doorway (Easy Solutions)

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Not having a use for a particular room in your home anymore may present a few problems like the door leading into it being visible. 

Often at times, this can look weirdly out of place and it may even nag at you knowing that there’s an unused doorway right in that particular spot.

The good news is that there are a few smart ways to hide an unused doorway that will either get rid of it completely from sight or make it less obvious. 

Best ways to hide an unused doorway include hanging a beautiful tapestry to draw attention away, installing a bookcase or shelves, hanging a mirror, using drapes or curtains to hide the entire door, or strategically placing oversized artworks.

A lot of these options will depend on the room itself but you can be creative in the way you use them to hide this doorway.

If you’d like to see the entire list in detail, here’s e everything you should know:

Ways To Hide An Unused Doorway


An easy option to try would be to hang a tapestry to cover the doorway.

Since tapestries come in various sizes and lengths, it won’t be difficult to find one which will fit the measurements of this specific doorway.

Tapestries or any wall hangings in general, are very pleasing to look at depending on their design or pattern and the great thing about them is that you can pretty much use them in any room in your home.

For instance, if the placement of the doorway is behind the bed, you can simply hang a tapestry to hide it completely and this, in turn, will make your bedroom decor look visually appealing, increasing its aesthetic in terms of the features that make up the decor.


This option is quite versatile and can also be used anywhere in your home.

Depending on your tastes, hobbies, and interests, you could install a bookcase on this door.

Bookcase to hide unused books

By repurposing with this method, you’ll be able to make your decor look more interesting and also hide the door in a creative way.

If you like the way books look on a shelf, you can simply fill this bookcase otherwise you may go for other objects to display instead.

Use this as an opportunity to customize and personalize your decor according to the things you like and enjoy.

If it’s a bedroom or living room, you can put books and ornaments on these shelves. If it’s in the kitchen, you can place cutlery, pots, mugs, or even cooking books.

Be creative in the way you make use of this bookcase on the unused door.


For a timeless idea that will never go out of style and will suit just about any room, you could place a mirror on this door.

As long as this door will never be opened again, you’ll have no issue with putting a mirror over the door.

Here you can get a custom-made mirror to fit the length or you can make a mirror that looks good even if it covers only halfway down.

For the rest of the door, you can try placing any other item to block it from view. Something like a table, pot plant, or cart to hide the doorway.


Get rid of the handle and panels on the door and try to refurbish the door so that you can create a surface where shelves can be installed.

This is a similar idea to using a bookcase but if you want an option that isn’t so bulky, mounting a few shelves to display anything you like will be a great way to hide the doorway and make it less obvious. 


ways to hide unused doorway

It will be way easier to forget a doorway is even there if you hang an oversized artwork to cover most of the doorway.

If this doorway that you want to hide is in a room like a lounge, you can try hanging the painting or artwork on the door, and then cover the rest of the doorway by positioning a sofa to sit in front of.

This will create a lovely arrangement in your living room but the best part is that no one would be able to tell that there’s a door behind that either.


tips to hide doorway

Curtains and drapes are fantastic at covering windows so of course, they would be a great idea to try if you need to hide an unused doorway.

Since they can cover any width and length, you won’t have any trouble covering the entire thing from sight.

Another option that is similar to a curtain but fancier is hanging a beaded curtain instead. This will be an attractive feature to the room as well.

The only issue with this option is that it may look odd if you randomly have a curtain placed on a wall if there are no windows within reach to give that effect.

Wall Gallery

For a more creative solution, you could use this door to turn it into a work of art by hanging and arranging picture frames or paintings in a gallery style that will be a great distraction to the doorway.

Wall galleries are a great focal point that makes a room more interesting and unique.

You can also pair this idea with using specific wall hangings to enrich the way this wall feature looks even if it’s placed on a door.


Make use of a screen divider to hide the doorway.

You might have noticed screen dividers used in a room before as this is a great option to cover a certain section in the room.

Luckily for you, there are plenty of options to choose from in terms of design and texture that will help you match the screen to the style of your interior to create an overall cohesive look that will blend in well with the rest of the decor without looking out of place.

Final Thoughts

It’s difficult to determine if you simply want to block this door temporarily from view or not and only you will know the answer to this.

Most of these options can be removed at any time except a few so you’ll have to take this into account when choosing a solution. 

If you’d prefer to not place anything on the door or block it completely, you could just paint over the door to match the color of the room if it’s a simple door design or even use wallpaper and this won’t be so obvious anymore. 

Also, consider the type of room it is and decide whether the option you like will actually work or not for that area of the room.

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