why is my room so dusty

Why Is My Room So Dusty? (Here’s What You Can Do)

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If there’s one thing that frustrates me the most, it’s a dusty bedroom. 

Lately, my allergies have increased and I noticed that I was sneezing more often than not. 

So, when I took a closer look at my room, it was shocking to see how much dust was accumulating. Now, this bothered me quite a bit and I couldn’t understand why my room was so dusty!

Until I came across a few possible answers that make sense.

A dusty room is often the result of a few unsuspecting elements such as pets, beddings, and carpets as they naturally attract dust. It may also be coming from outside sources through windows and the wind that lifts the dust in or the lack of ventilation and airflow. You may also not be cleaning and dusting as often as required to maintain a dust-free room.

In my case, I reasoned that I ticked off all of the above. But there is hope to figure out why and how to overcome this dusty problem for your bedroom.

Here’s everything important I’ve discovered:

Reasons Why Your Room Is So Dusty

1. Bedding

A possible source for dust acquiring in your room might be the bedding. Beddings are known to attract dust from fibers and more if you don’t wash them regularly. 

You could try washing your beddings more often to see if this reduces the dust problem.

If you notice that this has helped reduce but not fully gotten rid of the problem, you’ll have to try a few of the other means.

2. Old carpets

Cleaning Carpets From Dust

Carpets are like a magnet for dust and they demand a lot of maintenance in keeping that area dust-free.

An older carpet that hasn’t been cleaned for months most likely is packed with dust already and this, in turn, could be making the rest of your room so dusty.

Either replace the old carpets with a brand new one and vacuum it often to reduce the amount of dust that collects in it or get rid of them altogether and this will drastically reduce the amount of dust in your room.

See also: How Can I Make My Old Carpet Look Better?

3. Hair

Hair could be a good reason why your room is so dusty but more so than that this includes your pet’s hair as well.

If you allow your pets in your bedroom and on your bed, it’s natural that they may shed some hair and dust onto your bedding and room.

Also, if you tend to groom your pets in your room, this could very likely be the reason why your room is so dusty.

4. Outside sources

When it came to my own bedroom, I noticed that the main source was from the outside since the bed is situated right next to a window. 

So when someone drives by or people walk past, dirt and dust tend to lift and it usually makes it easy for dust to collect in my room.

Keeping room clean from dust

5. Insufficient cleaning

Now it might now be possible to completely get rid of all dust sources but if you haven’t been up to date with your cleaning routine and dusting your furniture often or washing your duvet, it’s very likely that this will be the reason why your room is so dusty.

Not cleaning your room regularly will only make it more difficult to keep your room clean and dust-free.

In fact, the less often you clean your room, the more dust will accumulate making it more difficult for you.

The best thing you can do is to start dusting surfaces on a weekly basis and this will make it easier for you to manage the amount of dust that lingers in your bedroom.

How To Keep Your Room Dust-Free

Since it’s difficult to prevent dust from entering your room permanently, there are a few ways and habits you can implement that will help you keep your room fresh and clean.

Here’s what you can do:

Vacuuming often

One of the best ways to counter dust in a bedroom is to vacuum often. 

If you have any thick carpets, you might want to consider vacuuming them as much as possible since these are the typical places dust collects rapidly.

Vacuuming will reduce the amount of dust you have in your room and your room will stay cleaner for longer.

See also: Does Vacuuming Damage Carpet? (Answered & Explained)

Invest in an air purifier

Another way you can keep dust under control in your room and prevent yourself from getting sick is to invest in an air purifier.

Air purifiers are great for filtering dust and cleaning the air in your surroundings.

It’s also fantastic if you tend to suffer from any allergies to dust as this removes dust, pet hair, and odors.

Clean air ducts

For some reason, many people tend to miss this spot that is crucial for reducing dust in your room and that’s air ducts.

You won’t believe how much dirt collects in the air ducts if they aren’t cleaned properly or haven’t been cleaned in months.

Cleaning your air ducts will ensure your room stays cleaner and reduce the amount of dust in the room.

Maintain a cleaning routine

Maintain a cleaning routine

The next thing you can do that will ensure you have a much cleaner room is to create a cleaning routine that promotes regular wiping and dusting.

This is the most effective way to deal with dust in your room and get rid of it before it collects to the point you become frustrated with how dusty your room is.

By cleaning regularly, you can get rid of dust mites and reduce the effects of what’s causing the excessive amount of dust.

It may feel annoying at first to be constantly cleaning but over time you’ll only have to put in less effort since everything will be cleaned and is well maintained already.

Use a dryer sheet

A smart hack is to use a dryer sheet to wipe surfaces and furniture when cleaning out the dust.

By doing this, it keeps the surfaces cleaner for longer, and apparently, it gives surfaces an anti-static coating that will prevent dust from settling on surfaces.

Reduce clutter

When there are too many things in a room, it opens up the doors to attract much more dust than normal. To counter this, it’s recommended to reduce the amount of clutter in your bedroom. The fewer items you have, the less dust you’ll have to deal with.

Groom pets elsewhere

If you really need to keep your room dust-free, then it’s best to groom your pets in a different room or area. 

This way your bedroom will be less dusty and you’ll have peace of mind.

Groom your pets in an area where less time is spent often but it’s easier to clean up and manage dust in that area of the house.

Finally Thoughts

I know how annoying it can be when your room is coated with so much dust. 

Because my bed and bookshelf are placed right next to the window, it’s these two things that are typically the victims of getting coated with dust.

What I found is that if you have a regular schedule to dust and wipe the surfaces often, it’s way easier to maintain and make sure the room has less dust.

Similarly, I make an effort to wash my duvets as often as I can to reduce the amount of dust.

My best advice would be to set aside an hour or a few minutes to dust and wipe weekly and this should be able to make sure your room doesn’t stay dusty.

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