Pastel Spreads & Layout - Bullet Journal Ideas

12 Best Bullet Journal Pastel Spreads You’ll Love

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If you love bright and colorful things, then you’re sure to lose your mind over these gorgeous pastel spreads for your bullet journal. They’re incredible in their own way and if you want your journal to look like the pros at bullet journaling, then having a pastel spread is a must.

We’ve put together the absolute best pastel layouts you can draw inspiration from and make your own bullet journal more customized. Here you’ll find fantastic pastel spread ideas that will boost your creative skills and make you a proud owner of a beautiful bullet journal.

Gorgeous Bullet Journal Pastel Spreads

1. Weekly Pastel Spreads

Here’s a lovely weekly spread to try that will get you into using more pastel colors. It’s quick and easy and you don’t have to go too crazy but has just the right amount of pastel colors to make this spread extra special.

2. Followers Tracker

If you’d like to keep track of your social media following, this is a fun and creative way to do it. It’s super pretty and if you’re not necessarily using this spread for Instagram only, you can make use of it for Youtube, Pinterest or even Twitter.

You just have to change the colors but these could also be used as mood trackers.

3. Pretty Floral Illustration

You remember when I mentioned pretty, right? Well, this spread is the ultra definition of pretty! Just look how detailed and colorful this pastel spread is. Definitely bullet journal goals!

4. Origami Birds & Bear Spread

Recently, when I came across the origami doodles, it blew my mind and since then I’ve been obsessed with drawing origami doodles.

This monthly cover spread is worth adding to any bullet journal.

5. Horoscopes

This is a little fun spread to add to your journal, especially if you want to fill up blank pages. Also, it’s so pretty that it’s worth adding in.

6. Sleep Tracker

Keeping track of your sleep patterns is so important since it can easily help figure out if you’re getting a sufficient amount of sleep or whether you need help.

But let’s be real for a second: bullet journal trackers like these are just fun to fill in every day!

7. World Map

Here’s another great way to fill up blank pages in your journal. You can draw this world map and color it in with pastel colors for a pretty effect.

8. Yearly Pastel Spreads

Every bullet journal needs a full yearly spread to track the months and this is a great way if you want to keep things simple and clean but still have that burst of color so it doesn’t look too drab.

9. Planet Tracker

So this tracker is technically meant to track Instagram followers but not really. I love how simple and cute these planets are and you can go ahead and track anything you’d like with them.

10. Watercolor Pastel Spreads

Improve your watercolor skills with this fantastic monthly calendar spread.

11. Clean & Vibrant Pastel Spreads

This pastel spread idea is an absolute stunner! Its intricate design will have others gushing over how amazing this spread looks.

12. Floral Heaven

If you’re a huge fan of floral bullet journal spreads like I am, then this one is going to leave an impression on you.

There you have it. The absolute best pastel spread ideas that you can add to your bullet journal.

It will make your bujo a whole lot better, especially if you feel like yours might be a bit too bland.

You don’t need that many fancy supplies or bright bold colors to make your journal look amazing.

It can easily be done with a few pastel colors as shown above. Most importantly, just have fun with it!

Bullet Journal Pastel Spreads

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