How To Make Customizable DIY Bookmarks In Minutes
Are you looking to make easy and cute customizable DIY bookmarks in just a few minutes? Then you’re going to love what we’ve created. As much as I’m the type of person who can’t wait to draw or sketch, truth be told, I’m nowhere good yet.
Just about every single piece I work on is far from where I like it to be but I’m sure with more practice I’ll get there eventually, right?
But in the meantime, I’m obsessed with going through other artists work!
There are so many beautiful artworks that are great to use as an inspiration.
Anyway, for a while now I’ve been using any piece of paper or receipt I can find as a makeshift bookmark (I know, how dare I) but I couldn’t find a pretty bookmark that you know has everything I love on it.
That’s when it hit me. Why not make use of free graphics?
And that’s just what I did.
So, all you really need to do to make these cute DIY bookmarks, just head over to Freepik, browse through the vectors you like, save them to your computer.
For this particular bookmark, these were the graphics that were used:
Then head over to Canva, and type in ‘bookmarks’ into the layout tab.
You’ll find the perfect dimensions or just create a new canvas with the size you want.
Once you get started, simply upload your images and arrange them onto your template!
Yup, it’s that easy.
You can also add a bit of text or maybe a few quotes you love. Totally up to you!
Once you’re done with that, save it as a PDF Print and print it on card stock or a thick paper.
Canva is totally optional. You could also use other programs like Photoshop to make your bookmarks.
The last step is to just cut the shape out. There are two options – you can keep it normal or you can sort of cut it like an outline.
Both styles look pretty great.
So, there you have it!
Easy DIY bookmarks you can create in just a few minutes, without any drawing skills!
Let me know what you think of these bookmarks in the comments below!
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We’re looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Also, if you’d like more easy craft ideas and tutorials like these, let us know!
If you enjoyed this bookmark tutorial, make sure you head over to see these amazing DIY notebooks.