How To Declutter Your Home Like A Minimalist

5 Pro Tips On How To Declutter Your Home Like A Minimalist

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Self-development, at its core, is the improvement of oneself through specific actions taken over a period of time.

Nobody transforms from nothing into something spectacular overnight but with a plan and execution, it happens.

I like to approach everything in my life with the same mindset, especially my home. We spend a lot of time within these four walls so it should be an ongoing development towards a close to perfect vision in your head.

Since I work at home, I place a lot of emphasis on making certain rooms I spend most of my time in as streamlined as possible.

My goal is productivity and warmth.

So, that’s exactly how I’ve been slowly developing my home and one of the most important ways to do that is to declutter.

The state of your environment is a reflection of the state of your mind which is why I put together another list of 5 pro tips on how to declutter your home like a minimalist.

Pro Decluttering Tips For Minimalistic Home Owners

1. Create Microlists For Each Room

Minimalism is founded on the concept of simplicity.

When approaching each room, what do you want from it? How should it look? What is the overall purpose of the room? Break it down into the simplest form so that you can design and furnish it with the perfect stuff.

How do you do that?

Well, micro lists are an easy and effective technique.

Answer the questions I mentioned above in a small summary on your micro list and then list, in bullet form, what you need to clean out, what needs to get stored, donated, or trashed, and what you would like to change about the room.

Make a list for each room in the house, stick it on a wall, and work your way from room to room.

So, instead of feeling overwhelmed at the idea of sorting out your entire house, you can tackle each room one at a time, with the simplest of tasks that eventually get the entire job done.

2. Get Rid Of Old, Broken Items

how to declutter home

At the end of the day, clutter occurs over time.

I understand the significance of sentimental items but at a certain point, you have to be willing to say out with the old and in with the new.

Sometimes, the new thing you add to your home is space and tidiness.

Start by making a list of all the old, unusable, stored, and/or broken items in a room, box them up, and if in the space of a few weeks there is stuff in there that you simply did not need to take out, get rid of it.

3. Go Wireless

In this day and age, technology is an essential component in every household.

Although it comes with an insane amount of pros, there are a few cons such as endless wires and cables everywhere.

It can make a beautiful room look unsightly. Trust me, I’ve had this problem in my own bedroom for a long time because of my workstation.

What I suggest doing is swapping out a lot of your wired devices like keyboards, mice, speakers, and headphones with a wireless counterpart.

The lack of cables will instantly make your home look less crowded and you can easily store these items in specific places without having to plug or unplug cables.

4. Keep Surfaces Clear And Empty

Just because you have a desk, doesn’t mean every inch of it has to be covered with items. That is a recipe for disaster, ask any hoarder.

In a small house, it’s hard to get around having a lot of desks or tables without crowding the place. The situation only gets worse when you stockpile these surfaces with a bunch of stuff.

Suggested read: 10 Ways To Declutter And Reorganize Your Desk For Ultimate Productivity

It may not even be a mess but it gives off the impression of one.

What I suggest is clearing out most desks and countertops and allowing those surfaces to be clear. Throw in an item or two for decoration but that’s about it.

Worst-case scenario, get your hands on some clear storage units or boxes so that you can conceal the stuff you need to keep on those tables or desks.

5. Roll Tshirts, Fold Pants And Hang Jackets

clothing decluttering tips

As a rule of thumb, always roll t-shirts because they’re thin and rolling them can free up space, fold pants because when stacked against each other vertically, much can be fitted together and lastly, hang jackets because they are just too thick, end up taking up too much closet space when folded and just look unsightly.

I’m a clothes hoarder.

There, I said it. I have a ton of it but not a lot of room to work with so this technique has been a lifesaver for me (even though I will inevitably part with a lot of stuff).

Take a look at this video for more instructions.

See also: 7 Life Changing Tips To Organize A Messy Closet

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One Comment

  1. Thanks for posting! I would especially agree with your #3 Go Wireless suggestion. Not only are the cords unsightly, but they hold a lot of dust and our robotic vacuum gets stuck on the cords laying on the ground. No good! I can’t wait until everything is wireless.

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