How To Get Wrinkles Out Of Curtains (7 Effective Ways)

Like any material-based item, creases and wrinkles are unsightly. We want the curtains to look the best they can. Wrinkle-free curtains are the gold standard, even when pleated. But, most curtains are prone to wrinkles. So, in today’s article, I want to share some of the reasons why curtains get wrinkles and creases, along with my best tips for how to get wrinkles out of curtains.
Different types of material will react differently to pressure, folds, and time under pressure. In saying that, some curtains are more resistant to creases and wrinkles, whereas others are more susceptible.
Keep that in mind when you’re shopping for curtains because it definitely makes a difference. Also, cleaning methods vary depending on the type of material. All these factors are important, and I wanted to point them out to you before we proceed.
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What Causes Wrinkles On Curtains?

1. They were not folded when stored away
There is an art to folding curtains that prevents them from getting creases and wrinkles.
If you just bundle up a curtain into a ball or haphazardly fold it without considering the flow of the curtain and the pleating, you’re bound to create creases.
To avoid creases and wrinkles, make sure to fold curtains broadly and loosely before storing them.
2. They were folded for too long
If you notice, most curtains and clothing items are folded in a particular way before they are sold.
When curtains are unfolded, there’ll be very fine lines and creases that can easily be removed, and this is in part due to the way they are stored or packaged.
If curtains are compressed or folded carelessly for an extended period of time, wrinkles may develop.
It begins to take on the shape of the fold, creating wrinkles that are hard to remove.
3. Weight pressed against creases
Apply pressure to something long enough and it will alter the shape of that item, especially if it is flexible and weak in nature.
Naturally, curtains are foldable due to their flexible nature, but that doesn’t mean they should be folded.
If anything, the intended purpose of a curtain is to hang open, not folded in a particular manner.
By adding pressure to a curtain that has been folded, those creases turn into wrinkles that are unsightly and hard to remove.
7 Effective Ways To Remove Wrinkles From Curtains

1. Iron the creases out of curtains
My mother always told me to not leave the house without ironing out the wrinkles from my clothes because it made me look shabby and unkempt.
It may have been inconvenient at the time, but the best way to remove any crease or wrinkle was with an iron.
After some time, we invested money in an iron press that minimized the amount of work involved in straightening out clothes.
But, it was the very same thing that came in handy when we needed to remove wrinkles from a curtain.
Pull them off their rods, lay them down on a flat surface, and iron the wrinkles and creases until they are removed. The trick is to use a low temperature to avoid scorching or burning the fabric.
Move slowly over each wrinkle until they flatten out.
You may need to iron over a certain area a few times, but give it time to cool down a bit before you return to that spot.
This will prevent any damage to your curtains.
2. Spritz water onto the creases
In the event that you don’t have an iron or steamer at your disposal, you could try laying the curtain down flat and spraying water over the wrinkles.
Make sure that you gently pull the curtain straight, especially in opposite directions to the wrinkles that are wet.
It should remove some wrinkles and creases from the curtain once it has dried.
3. Use a fabric steamer
If you watch any advertisement for steamers, they’ll always use them against curtains to smooth out wrinkles and creases.
It’s absolutely effective, and I can attest to this.
I’ve used a fabric steamer before on clothes and on curtains. It worked in both cases. This is one of the reasons certain irons come with a built-in water sprayer.
Steam, which is well known for gently removing tough creases and wrinkles, is created when water and heat are combined.
Work your way through the curtain a few times, especially over the wrinkles, and it should be as good as new.
4. Wash and dry curtains
Another simple and effective way to remove creases and wrinkles from curtains is to wash them and then dry them, preferably in a dryer, before hanging them out in the sun.
As curtains are washed, those wrinkles and creases are removed.
Then, after drying, hang them out in the sun, where the gentle force of gravity and the cool air combined with the heat will help erase some of those wrinkles from the curtain.
The typical cycle takes 15 to 20 minutes to completely wash the curtains.
You should exercise caution when drying it in the dryer because some materials are prone to shrinking.
You may need to hang it outside to air dry over the course of a day.
5. Use a wrinkle release product
I’ll be the first to admit that I only discovered wrinkle releasing sprays a couple of years ago, and I thought that they were a gimmick.
But, turns out, I was wrong. They actually work.
It is said that the formula seeps into the fibers of the curtain and softens them, thus releasing wrinkles from your curtain.
What’s amazing is that you don’t have to use an iron or a steamer if you choose to use a wrinkle-release product.
Most of these sprays are dual-action, which means that they smooth wrinkles from your curtains and remove odors.
All you have to do is spray it onto the wrinkles, pull or pat them down, and it should remove the wrinkles and creases as it dries.
6. Shake out curtains and pat them down
If the wrinkles or creases aren’t too visible or harsh, you could try gently stretching out the curtain for a bit, shaking it out, and patting it down until some of the creases are removed.
Given that force and pressure can cause creases and wrinkles in curtains, it naturally follows that force and pressure in moderation can remove some of those creases and wrinkles.
Be gentle though.
You do not have to apply a lot of force or pressure. It just has to be enough until the wrinkles and creases appear to smooth out. What really matters is time under pressure.
So, hold this for a few minutes.
7. Hang curtains in a room that is steamed
In the event that you do not have an iron, wrinkle release product, or steamer at home, you could remove those creases by hanging the curtain in the bathroom.
Run the shower until the room is steamy, and place the curtain close enough to the steam without getting it drenched with water.
Make sure it’s spread open and wait for 20 minutes or so.
This should help to remove some of the wrinkles, especially if you pat down and gently stretch the curtain afterwards.
Final Thoughts
When removing wrinkles from your curtains, as long as you use caution and keep them away from any harsh chemicals or temperatures, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting them back to their smooth and lovely appearance.
I’ve tried all these techniques, and they all work to different degrees.
I can say with certainty that ironing, steaming, and using wrinkle-removing products gave me the best results.
The other methods were somewhat effective, but by combining them, better results were achieved.
I know that it seems a bit tedious to remove wrinkles from curtains, but once you do and they’re hung up on the wall, they will remain wrinkle-free for a significant period of time.
It’s worth the effort for the pristine appearance, given how visible curtains are in a room.
That brings us to the end of this article on how to get wrinkles out of curtains. I sincerely hope you found it to be relevant and helpful. If so, then you have to check out some of these other helpful articleson curtains below.
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