17 Easy DIY Bathroom Mats That Are Stylish And Cozy

Every bathroom needs a bath mat, don’t you agree? We collected just about the best DIY bathroom mats you can make right here! If you’ve never gone without a bathroom mat before, you really wouldn’t want to. After almost a year with a bath mat, you might not find it surprising for me to say it was a total mess.
It was quite stupid of us not to get another bathroom mat after the previous ones were ruined but after going without bath mats for such a long time, it’s the presence or lack thereof is felt.
Every single time someone took a shower, the floor would be wet and it felt uncomfortable to spend time in the bathroom after that.
So, while we were in the process (and mood) for a good weekend DIY project, we decided to make our very own bath mats from the supplies we already had in the house.
Table of Contents
17 Best DIY Bathroom Mats That Are Easy To Make
1. Braided DIY Bathroom Mat

Idea via tiphero
This bathroom towel mat sure does look pretty soft and cozy, doesn’t it? The three color scheme matches well with each other and the great thing about this mat, you can easily match it to your decor color scheme.
Grab a couple of old towels, a pair of scissors, a needle, and thread to make your own beautiful braided DIY bathroom mat.
It’s fast absorbent, meaning goodbye slipping on wet tiles – you’ll never have that oh here comes the pain moment ever again!
2. DIY Recycled Bath Mat
via Tasty Home
If you’re looking to give your bathroom a stylish design, then this one is for you.
It’s also an incredibly awesome diy project if you’re looking to make use of fabric scraps or if you just want to get rid of old t-shirts you’re never going to use again.
3. DIY Chunky Woven Bath Mat

Idea via abeautifulmess
Isn’t this diy bathroom mat simply gorgeous? You’ll need to bust out your knitting skills and some patience for this one but definitely, worth every minute spent on this project.
This bathroom mat calls for chunky yarn but uses a soft kind of yarn so your feet will thank you later.
4. Wine Cork DIY Bathroom Mats

Idea via sustainmycrafthabit
For a fun wine cork project, you can try making this bathroom mat that will blend into just about any kind of decor.
Just in case you’re wondering, the wine corks can be bought in bulk and later on, cut down into smaller pieces.
You’ll also need wood glue to secure them to the non-slip liner.
5. DIY Cedar Wood Mat

Idea via themerrythought
I fell in love with this diy bathroom mat the minute I saw it. It kind of gives off that Asian sort of feel to any decor.
The great thing about this mat is even if you have light or dark-colored floor tiles, this cedar wood bathroom mat is sure to make it look even more stunning.
6. Pom Pom Rug

Idea via mallooknits
Pom pom crafts are so popular these days, from tassels to decorations, you can make just about anything adorable with leftover yarn.
With this particular diy pom pom rug, not only can you use it as a bathroom mat but it even goes well with any bedroom decor.
Swap these bright colors for lighter shades of blue, pink, purple, and cream for an even better color scheme!
7. DIY Loop Mat

Idea via purlsoho
If you’re a long-time avid lover of crochet or knitting projects, then you’re going to love this DIY loop mat.
This tutorial suggests you use worsted cotton for the softest and coziest bathroom mat ever!
8. Hardwood DIY Bathroom Mats

Idea via eclecticcreative
Similar to the cedar wood bathroom mat, this hardwood mat will make you feel like you’re in a spa.
For those who want a modern relaxed feel in their bathroom, this wooden mat should not be missed.
9. Recycled Towel Bath Mat
Idea via Buzzfeed
If you remember at the very beginning we included a tutorial for a braided bathroom mat using towels.
This tutorial will also show you exactly how to do that but the only difference is you get to watch the step-by-step process of DIY bathroom mats made from towels.
10. Circle Braided Towel Mat

Idea via sistersofthewildwet
Here’s another awesome towel bathroom mat that shows you how to incorporate colors from your bathroom and match them up to your bath mat.
11. Mat Using Outdoor Paving

Idea via houseofhepworths
Do you have leftover decking tiles and no clue how to make them useful?
This DIY bathroom mat does just that! It’s quite an inexpensive project and will make your bathroom have that spa feel to it.
12. Knitted Rag Mat

Idea via a-common-thread
Is anyone up for a twisted braided mat? If that’s a yes then you should make this awesome rag that uses fabric strips. Although it may look like a challenge, once you get the hang of it you won’t want to stop!
13. Crochet Style Rug

Idea via allfreecrochet
This bath mat is a slightly easier crochet rug than the other ones. It’s a light cotton rug that uses a white yarn for the outer, a darker shade for the inside border, and in the middle, a light shade of green is used.
If you tend to wash your bathroom mats often, then this one is perfect for you since it’s so light.
14. Ocean Stones Bath Mat

Idea via tattooedmartha
How unique is this bathroom mat? I definitely would love to add this to my bathroom decor soon. It gives off ocean vibes and I’m crazy for anything beach-themed.
You’ll need smooth river rocks, an outdoor rubber mat, and a waterproof silicone sealer for this one.
15. Fabric DIY Bathroom Mats

Idea via iammommahearmeroar
So far we haven’t come across much fabric diy bathroom mats but if you needed something much similar, easy to make, and inexpensive, then this bath mat is ideal.
However, you’ll need a few sewing skills to finish this mat.
16. Homemade Grass Bathroom Mat

Idea via en.fishki.
And if you thought you hadn’t seen enough unique and beautiful diy bathroom mats before, just check out this grass mat.
Who wouldn’t want to feel like a walk in the grass after a relaxing hot shower, except your feet still stay clean!
17. Non-Slip Cotton Rug

Idea via makelyhome
Slipping on a bathroom mat you least expected only causes us pain and embarrassment. I’m sure that’s the last thing any of us want to experience.
That’s why this tutorial is amazing for showing us how to make our diy bathroom mats nonslip!
So, there you have it! 17 easy-to-make DIY bath mats that are equally gorgeous in their way. If you’re brave enough for a crochet project, do try the loop mat. Its softness is to die for and the bathroom mat made out of old towels soak up well.
That’s all from us but we’d love to hear which bathroom mat was your favorite!