Free Printable Goal Tracker Template For Your Bullet Journal

Just the other day, I grabbed my bullet journal and as I normally do at the start of every month, jotted down a few goals I’d like to accomplish for this month and the main goal with my free printable goal tracker that I planned to do at least a little bit every single day.
Do you know how some projects require quite a bit of time and effort? Also, to ensure the project gets done with quality work it’s essential to put in as much thought and effort that is required.
My Current Goals & Progress
In my case, the main goal that I’m currently focused on is learning how to draw and design. I’ve been meaning to do this for so long but just kept shoving it aside.
Always assuming that I didn’t have it in me and many other limiting beliefs.
However, one morning I finally had that kick that I needed to get moving. After being in a massive slump (almost two months), enough was enough and it was time to put aside my doubts and limiting beliefs and just get things done.
Have you also experienced something similar?
If you haven’t, thank your lucky stars because trust me when I say it sucks! Big time!
So, day by day I’m taking it slow but actually putting in the daily effort. It’s important to make sure you accomplish one task a day towards your goals no matter how you feel.
Right! Where was I?
How To Track Your Goals
So, what I’d normally do to track my goals each month, I’d start drawing stars but oh boy, did this take forever.
By the time I finished, it ended up looking like a mess. So I yanked it straight out of my bujo and now it’s happily living in the trash.
Then, I would start all over again. This became old really fast. And, no one has the time to draw perfect stars. To be honest, this just became an excuse to keep procrastinating.
So, there I went ahead and designed a printable version.
Grab Your 30 Day Goal Progress Tracker
I hope I’m not being too bold here but I think this printable goal tracker template came out looking pretty great, don’t you think so?
If you’d like a copy for yourself to print out, you can save this 30 DAY GOAL TRACKER PRINTABLE or right-click and save.
Of course, you totally don’t have to use this in your bullet journal. This free goal tracker printable will fit in really well as a planner insert as well.
Lastly, I do hope you could take a few minutes to let me know your thoughts. It will definitely be valued and treasured for life!
Also, see that form at the end? If you’ve already signed up for the goal tracker printable, NO need to sign up with this bottom form, you’ll get that freebie in a few days too!