5 Pro Tips On How To Clean Your Home Super Fast

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that cleaning sucks. We hate to do it but we have to do it. That is honestly one of the reasons why I created this blog, I wanted to share as much information on cleaning, organizing and decorating a home without feeling dread.
I have to say, from struggling to ever finish to getting all the work done in just a couple hours, I can safely say that I’ve come a long way and no plates were broken in the process.
With that being said, I want to share 5 pro tips on how to clean your home super fast.
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Fast Home Cleaning Tips To Speed Up The Process
1. Change Your Mindset – I Can’t Because VS I Can If

This may not be the kind of hack or trick you were expecting to read first but the way you approach something in life largely influences the end result. I hated to clean my shower floors and the excuse I used was that I can’t clean my it because I don’t have the time, energy or desire to get on my knees and scrub.
That was a limiting belief. I turned a problem into an impossible-to-overcome situation! That didn’t sit right with me. So I decided to replace my limiting belief with an alternative solution – how to clean your home super fast.
Instead of saying I can’t, I told myself I CAN IF _____.
I can if I purchased a scrubbing brush with a long handle and drank an energy drink before starting. Now, I didn’t have to get on my knees and I could cover the entire shower area in just 10 minutes without feeling burnt out.
I was able to solve a problem by simply searching for an alternative solution. But, that was only possible because I changed my attitude and approached situations with the attitude of a fixer, not a quitter.
2. Start With The Easiest Chores
When I was in school, my math teacher always reminded us to answer the easiest questions in our examinations first. Why? Because they took the least amount of time, guaranteed results and helped accumulate enough progress to lessen the workload.

By the time you reach the hardest question, it was the last question you would have to answer which made it far less overwhelming.
This simple principle can be applied to everyday life. Instead of starting the day by scrubbing or wiping floors, I make the beds, hang the washing, wash dishes, dust appliances, and furniture, and then I leave scrubbing for last.
Most of those chores are easy to do and can be done fairly fast without exerting too much energy. If you were to do things the opposite way around, imagine how exhausted you’d feel after scrubbing floors and then having to do all those little chores.
Make a cleaning list and arrange them in order of easiest to hardest. Work your way from the easiest to the hardest items.
3. Group Certain Chores Together

Ordinarily, I’m not a fan of multitasking because I like to give my undivided attention to one task at a time but when it comes to cleaning, I find it to be more effective to batch certain chores together.
For instance, as soon as I remove curtains, I clean my windows or when I’m washing dishes, I repack my pantry. The key to successfully grouping chores is ensuring that they can be accomplished in one area or vicinity.
It wouldn’t make sense to try and wash dishes while dusting your ceilings. The two don’t go hand in hand. However, you could remove your duvets and comforters and immediately dust ceilings, room by room.
When you’re making a list of chores and arranging them in order of difficulty, try grouping the easiest ones. You’ll get them done even faster, leaving you with just one or two hard chores with the advantage of being able to finish the job way faster than you ordinarily would.
4. Keep Everything You Need In A Basket
Ever notice how cleaners in hotels have everything they need in a trolley? Turns out, this is an intentional and pro-cleaning tip that I missed.
My philosophy of ‘work as you go’ was a recipe for disaster.
You wouldn’t believe how annoying and time-consuming it is to search for stuff in the middle of cleaning when it would have made far more sense to collect and arrange everything I needed before starting my cleaning spree.
Now, without fail, I collect all my brushes, cleaners, sprays, dusters, and rags into one basket and keep it by my side. This little tip can be quite a timesaver and energy saver.
Do this before you start cleaning and you’ll be set to go!
5. Line Surrounding Areas With Newspaper When Dusting
I like to think that when it comes to how to clean your home super fast, it gets worse before it gets better.
And you see this happening time after time when you’re in the middle of a room with all the crap scattered on the floor after you’re done picking up stuff, dusting, wiping, and so forth.
Instead of messing with your floors or couches after cleaning them, line them with newspaper to catch all the dirt and dust. When you’re done, carefully remove the newspaper and discard it with all that dirt.
I remember watching my father drill into a wall to hang a frame and he stuck a newspaper in a fold right under. All the dust fell into the newspaper and we didn’t have to sweep or clean up the floors at all.
I don’t mind cleaning… if I don’t have to do it every week.
Another quick tip with dusting is to use a damp cloth so no dust falls on the floor. Or a real feather duster – the static on the feathers attracts the dust and then you give it a good shake outside afterwards.
Pros always clean top to bottom and floors are last….so no need to lay newspaper down. All the other tips are great, thanks!