8 Baking Soda Household Uses That Are Life-Changing

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One of the most powerful, cheap, and effective ingredients that most homes have is baking soda. It has multiple uses, yet we hardly take action on any. I don’t blame you though because not knowing is one of the sad reasons why most haven’t learned these amazing secrets yet.

Not only is baking soda used in recipes and for baking, we’ll show you exactly where it can be used in your home, from cleaning to even gardening.

So, if you’ve run out of baking soda, you might want to pick up a box because these hacks are certainly going to be of use to you. It’ll save you time, and money and calm your fears by getting rid of harsh chemicals you would normally use.

Baking Soda Uses For Your Home

1. Clean The Kitchen, Bathroom Sink, And Tub

baking soda hacks

For a simple yet effective solution to getting rid of dirt and grime from sinks and tubs, all you have to do is sprinkle baking soda and use a scrubbing brush to get rid of the dirt.

Watch what happens and the dirt gets removed within seconds. To finish, clean the area by rinsing it with water.

2. Deodorize Bedding

There are no escaping smells, whether it’s food, pets, or humans but there is a pretty smart and easy way to handle unwanted smells.

For both pets and your beddings, sprinkle baking soda and allow it to sit for at least 20-30 minutes, then vacuum. This is a great routine to ensure odors are under control.

3. Deodorize Fridge

Baking Soda to Deodorize Fridge

One of the smelliest places in our home is the fridge. When forgotten food goes bad or a cut onion gets left behind, I’m sure you can imagine the faces we’re about to make.

A simple way to deodorize a fridge is by leaving a container with baking soda open to absorb the odor.

4. Clean An Oven With 3 Ingredients

cleaning oven with baking soda

Whether we like it or not, the oven is bound to collect food grease and grime over time.

A stress-free way to clean the mess up is a simple method that will leave your oven looking shiny and almost new again. You’ll need baking soda, water, and vinegar.

For a full breakdown on how to use this method, head over to davidwolfe.

5. Clean Stains From Mugs

Do you ever get annoyed at those dirty stains inside a mug? Me too. To get rid of them, simply soak the mugs in hot water and baking soda, then wipe away the stains with a sponge.

6. Clean Brushes And Combs

Remove dirt from hair brushes with this simple hack. Soak the brushes in a glass of warm water, a teaspoon of baking soda, and a drop of mouthwash.

7. Use Baking Soda As A Pesticide

Baking soda is a great alternative to a pesticide for your plants. All you have to do is create a mixture in a spray bottle of 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1/3 cup of olive oil to 1 cup of water.

8. Use It To Clean House Plants

Indoor plants tend to get quite dusty and dirty over time and if you’re afraid of damaging them in any way, all you have to do is dampen a cloth in a mixture of a pinch of baking soda in water and sodium bicarbonate.

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