Can Carpet Last 20 Years? (Tips To Preserve Your Carpet)
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Can Carpet Last 20 Years? (Tips To Preserve Your Carpet)

Without a doubt, carpet is one of the best types of flooring on the market. It looks absolutely stunning while offering a great deal of comfort for any home or business. Unfortunately, as we all know, most carpets have an average lifespan before they need to be replaced. Typically, the average carpet can last for…

What Causes The Carpet Edges to Fray? (Reasons And Solutions)
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What Causes The Carpet Edges to Fray? (Reasons And Solutions)

I absolutely love carpets in a room. They are luxurious, warm, and beautiful. They are everything one could possibly want on a floor. But, carpets are not as durable or resistant to damage as, say, tiles or wooden flooring. A common problem faced by carpet owners is fraying of the edges. What causes the carpet…

Filing Cabinet Alternatives: 11 Storage Secrets Revealed
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Filing Cabinet Alternatives: 11 Storage Secrets Revealed

In your office or home, a filing cabinet might not be the best option for storing files. These cabinets usually look terrible, which is why people avoid them.  They’re also not the best option if you’re looking for a simple and easy way to store your tax documents, medical information, or receipts at home. Most…

Where To Place Floor Outlets In A Living Room (Best Locations)
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Where To Place Floor Outlets In A Living Room (Best Locations)

For easy access to electricity in a living room without the fuss and muss of cords and extension cables, floor outlets are undeniable. In this article, I’m going to explain where to place floor outlets in a living room for maximum practicality and seamlessness. What we need to emphasize is accessibility and safety when choosing…

How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet? (Professional Recommendations)
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How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet? (Professional Recommendations)

I absolutely adore carpets in a home, but I do not enjoy the fact that they are easier to damage and more prone to wear and tear, unlike tiles and wood flooring. However, with some maintenance and regular deep cleaning, it is possible to preserve the quality, texture, and color of your carpets for well…