Where To Hang A Wall Clock? (Living Room, Bedroom & Kitchen Ideas)
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Where To Hang A Wall Clock? (Living Room, Bedroom & Kitchen Ideas)

Wall clocks are a great accessory that is affordable, stylish, and can create a bold statement in any room.  They’re also relatively easy to install and can fill any big or small blank space while improving the overall decor. However, deciding on the perfect spot to hang a wall clock is just as important as…

What Can I Put On A Feature Wall? (11 Great Ideas)
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What Can I Put On A Feature Wall? (11 Great Ideas)

A feature wall is the central focus of a room decor as this instantly captures your attention. It’s usually the wall that has the most intricate design, pattern, or color that makes it so attractive. Having a feature wall in any room of your home is definitely a smart choice and I’m sure you’re looking…

What Colors Go With Light Blue Walls? (11 Perfect Colors)
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What Colors Go With Light Blue Walls? (11 Perfect Colors)

Looking for color combinations or complements is always an interesting task for me.  There’s just something about matching two or more colors together and seeing the magic come alive. In better words, seeing more than one color together is quite satisfying. If you’re decorating your home or bedrooms and you really want to know what…